Mrs. L's Leveled Learning FREE BONUS!

Do you ever feel like differentiation is IMPOSSIBLE to keep up on?

What if it could be just a few simple tweaks to your learning objective or class assignment?

What no one tells you is - there's more than one way to Differentiate!

You might modify how you plan lessons, introduce topics, give directions, ask questions, modify practice activities, homework or pre-made assessments. 

This QUICK 3-page Cheat Sheet will put a list of ideas that you can use NOW!

Every suggestion is correlated to a level of Marzano's Taxonomy
so you know if you are making things easier or harder for your students. 

SIGN UP on this form to receive ideas and product updates
that help you Differentiate your Math & ELA content.

(Perfectly aligned to Proficiency Scales & Standards Based Grading!)

Then, Check your email to download your FREE copy immediately!

PS (printing suggestion) - I like to print the Math & ELA pages in color.
Then slip them back-to-back into a clear sheet protector. Keep it handy!

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